Got Mold In Your Crawlspace?

Here Are The Top 3 Reasons Mold Grows!

Crawlspaces are the ideal environment for mold to thrive.

Most crawlspaces are dark, dirty, and humid. Bugs like to live in there. They’re vented to the outside air in the summer (and in the winter if you neglect to close your vents) which can be very humid and this defeats the purpose of venting.

Mold is a fungus that requires moisture and high humidity to grow and thrive.

Like plants, mold has cells. However, unlike a plant that has chlorophyll and able to makes it’s food through photosynthesis, mold can not feed without moisture.

Mold reproduces by releasing it’s spores, this is mold’s survival mechanism.

In addition to moisture, mold also requires the right temperature of 41 degrees fahrenheit up to 100 degrees fahrenheit, common in Atlanta, Georgia and the South.

The final ingredient mold needs to thrive is food: high cellulose materials such as paper and wood, drywall, wallpaper, carpet, ceiling tiles, dust, and dirt.
If you want to know more about mold, then read: 10 Facts About Mold.

Now that you understand why mold grows in your crawlspace, the remainder of this article will list and explain the top three reasons why you have moisture in your crawlspace and what you can do to fix the humidity issues.

How To Measure The Relative Humidity Of Your Crawlspace!

The easiest way to determine the relative humidity of your crawlspace is to use a hygrometer or you could install a digital thermo-hygrometer with a remote sensor to track it.

If the relative humidity is greater than 50% this could cause moisture issues that leads to mold.

Mold will begin to grow at 50%, and will thrive when the humidity is greater than 70%.

The key to ensuring that your crawlspace does not become a source of mold is to figure out how to control the humidity.

Listed below are the top three reasons your crawlspace has high humidity.

#1 Water Accumulation!

If your crawlspace has standing water, you probably have a drainage problem or a plumbing leak. This needs to be fixed immediately.

You do not want water to accumulate in your crawlspace because this will compound your potential mold problems, not to mention as mold grows it will impact the indoor air quality of your home and health.

#2 Moisture Evaporating From The Ground!

When homes are built with crawl spaces, most builders neglect to cover the ground, meaning that the crawlspace is covered with dirt.

Dirt has moisture and as the moisture evaporates, it will increase the humidity in your crawlspace.

Unfortunately, this is a common problem in Atlanta, Georgia, and other southern states. To prevent moisture from evaporating from the ground, the easiest solution is to cover it up with a vapor barrier during crawlspace encapsulation.

#3 Outdoor Air Coming In Through The Crawlspace Vents!

The third reason your crawlspace could have moisture issues is through the vents.

When you bring outdoor air into the crawlspace, the relative humidity can increase.

Cool air cannot hold as much moisture as warm air, so the air that enters is now closer to its saturation point, referred to as the dew point.

It might be 60% relative humidity outside, relative to a temperature of 90 degrees fahrenheit, but when that air enters the crawlspace and cools down to 75 degrees fahrenheit, the relative humidity jumps up to 95%.

In the past, we were told that crawlspaces needed to be ventilated. Now, however, we are learning that crawlspaces need to be treated almost as if they were living spaces.

Fixing Your Crawlspace Humidity and Mold Problems

If your crawlspace is vented and the relative humidity is high, you need to fix the problems. It is not as simple as installing a dehumidifier either.

If you have water accumulation, the source of the water must be addressed. If it is a plumbing issue, fix the leak. If the problem is caused by drainage, this must be fixed as well.

If the problem relates to moisture evaporating from the ground or outdoor air coming into your vents, this can be fixed with crawlspace encapsulation in Atlanta, GA.

Mold-B-Gone Remediation, LLC specializes in drying out damp crawlspaces and turning them into dry, healthy foundations for your home.

Our dry-space crawlspace system includes the following:

  1. Thorough cleaning of the crawlspace, including mold removal and prevention.
  2. Installation of a wall-to-wall guide, durable, 14 mil vapor barrier.
  3. Attachment of the vapor barrier over ground and up sidewalls to 6 inches below floor joists.

“The end result is an energy-efficient, healthy home.
To know more about crawlspace, read our blogs: Is Your Crawl Space Contaminating Your Indoor Air?, Why Do Crawl Spaces Need A Vapor Barrier?

Got Crawlspace Mold Questions?

Got Crawlspace Mold Questions?

Got Crawlspace Mold Questions?

If you are concerned about humidity in your crawlspace and/or mold issues, call 470-545-4467 or send us an e-mail. We look forward to serving you! πŸ™‚

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