by Eric Brown | May 22, 2019 | 37 Symptoms Associated With Mold Illness, Can Black Mold Poison You?, Can Mold Kill?, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), Commercial Mold Remediation, Commercial Mold Removal, Health, Homeowner Tips, How Toxic Is Mold?, Indoor Air Quality, Killing Mold, Mold and Asthma, Mold and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Mold and Depression, Mold and Genes, Mold and Infants, Mold and Multiple Sclerosis, Mold and Parkinson's Disease, Mold and Pregnant Women, Mold and Sids, Mold and Sinusitis, Mold Facts, Mold Information, Mold Remediation, Mold Removal, Mold Removal Alpharetta GA, Mold Removal Atlanta GA, Property Damage Restoration, Questions and Answers, Stachybotrys Black Mold
The Link Between Genes and Mold Illness!

The Link Between Genes and Mold Illness!
Mold B Gone specializes in helping mold sensitized individuals.
One of the questions we are often asked is why do some people get sick from mold and other’s do not?
One of the biggest challenges faced by people sick from mold is the fact that doctors, friends, and other family members dismiss their symptoms simply because they do not get sick when exposed to mold.
Many victims of mold sickness are labelled as hypochondriacs and are accused of not being sick at all.
This is tragic because many people that get sick have no control over their sickness because their bodies have a genetic predisposition to mold illness.
The other major problem with mold illness is the fact that there are so many symptoms, 37, associated with it, meaning it is difficult for physicians to pinpoint the cause.
This article explains how your genes impact mold illness and what you can do if you suspect that you suffer from Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).
Legal Challenges Faced By Mold Sensitized Individuals

Legal Challenges Faced By Mold Sensitized Individuals
Sickness from mold has been around for decades.
Victims of mold have tried to plea their cases in the courts seeking compensation for the health damages caused by poorly maintained homes and buildings that had water damage and mold.
Unfortunately, many of the plaintiffs lost their battle because the courts did not believe that mold actually makes people sick.
Despite this, data from thousands of contractors working with occupants of water-damaged buildings documented the health challenges that many mold sensitized individuals faced.
According to Erik Johnson, a mold expert and survivor, it was not until the 1990s, that the World Health Organization, acknowledged that “Sick Building Syndrome” could be caused by toxic mold.
Moving forward, finally, it seems that there is greater recognition that mold is in fact the cause of sickness for many. In 2015, the MOLDY documentary featured health professionals and people who have suffered mental and physical health issues after living in moldy homes. This was a ground breaking documentary because it brought the issue of mold and sickness to a much broader audience, thereby creating significant awareness of this issue.
In a presentation at the PLR Expo in Toronto, Canada, in 2015, CEO of Wonder Makers Environmental, Michael Pinto presented “12 Future Trends In The Restoration Industry“.
One of the most notable trends he cites is a “A Tighter Connection Between Medicine and Environment“.
Pinto cites new diagnosing techniques to identify the illness, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) (detailed below), which legitimizes the tie between Water Damaged Buildings (WDB) and sickness. Research has identified a genetic component to this condition (explained below), a screening test (VCS), and most importantly, a treatment regimen.
Other trends Pinto believes demonstrate the important ties between medicine and the environment include the Environmental Relative Moldiness Index (ERMI) which is a scientific test that analyzes dust samples for 36 mold species. This test provides base information to identify CIRS because 26 of the mold species are considered to be water damage indicators.
This test is important because one sample can be analyzed to identify the extent of water damage in the building that could make someone susceptible to CIRS sick. Importantly, this test will provide an ERMI score, ie. a HERTSMI-2 score that can be given to physicians and will help them assess whether a building will make their patient sick.
Because of the growing medical awareness and the fact that there are now medical tests and drugs to diagnose and treat mold illness, Pinto believes that one of the other consequences of this acknowledgement will be a “More Active Justice System” where plaintiffs will now be able to get compensation because they now have science to back up their claims.
25% Of People Have A Genetic Predisposition to Mold Illness

25% Of People Have A Genetic Predisposition to Mold Illness
The most interesting aspect of the research on the effect that Sick Building Syndrome has on patients pertains to genetics. One of the biggest problems with mold sickness is that it impacts everyone differently. Some may experience minor allergies, and other health conditions like asthma and chronic sinusitis, while other mold sensitized patients may suffer severe illnesses.
One physician documented the health symptoms of 227 patients that lived in water damaged buildings during a three year period. What this doctor found was that 98% of his patients had one of the gene types where their immune systems were not able to effectively deal with contaminants from water damaged buildings.
As stated by Pinto:
“In layman’s terms, two different genes have been isolated, which keep some people’s immune systems from functioning properly when they have been exposed to contaminants from water-damaged buildings. Instead of properly identifying and eliminating the foreign invader, those body defense mechanisms increase the problem. When viewed with a basic understanding of genetic distributions, this research made it clear that up to a quarter of the population (25%) is at increased risk from exposure to water-damaged buildings.“
This research is very significant because it demonstrates that up to 25% of the population has a genetic pre-disposition that makes them more susceptible to mold illness and the condition known as Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).
Because of this research, the scientific community and legal system is now taking much greater notice because diagnostic tests, lab tests and treatment tools are being developed to help these patients.
37 Health Conditions Associated With CIRS!

37 Health Conditions Associated With CIRS!
Listed below are the 37 symptoms associated with CIRS.
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Aches
- Muscle Cramps
- Unusual Pain
- Ice Pick Pain
- Headache
- Light Sensitivity
- Red Eyes
- Blurred Vision
- Tearing
- Sinus Problems
- Cough
- Shortness of Breath
- Abdominal Pain
- Diarrhea
- Joint Pain
- Morning Stiffness
- Memory Issues
- Focus/Concentration Issues
- Word Recollection Issues
- Decreased Learning of New Knowledge
- Confusion
- Disorientation
- Skin Sensitivity
- Mood Swings
- Appetite Swings
- Sweats (especially night sweats)
- Temperature Regulation or Dysregulation Problems
- Excessive Thirst
- Increased Urination
- Static Shocks
- Numbness
- Tingling
- Vertigo
- Metallic Taste
- Tremors
According to Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, CIRS is:
“an accute and chronic, systemic inflammatory response syndrome acquired following exposure to the interior environment of a water-damaged building with resident toxigenic organisms, including, but not limited to fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes and mycobacteria as well as inflammagens such as endotoxins, beta glucans, hemolysins, proteinases, mannans, c-type lectins and possibly spirocyclic drimanes, plus volatile ogranic compounds.“
For 75% of the population, when exposed to biotoxins caused by mold, the individuals immune system responds by binding with the invading poison that allows its cells to filter the biotoxins through the liver, kidneys, and other organs. In contrast, 25% of the population that have the genetic susceptibility to mold illness get sick because their bodies immune system does not bind to the biotoxin, meaning it is not eliminated and therefore continues to circulate, causing the many symptoms, documented below.
The “C” in CIRS refers to the term “Chronic” because individuals that are exposed to poisons from mold are unable to eliminate the toxins from their body, resulting in on-going and escalating sickness, particularly if the person is continually exposed to mold. This is the primary reason that the first priority of medical practitioners treating mold sensitized patients is to begin the detox process which also must coincide with movement away from the building that is constantly exposing the person to the toxins.
The “I” in CIRS refers to the term “Inflammatory” because the constant exposure to the toxins creates a cycle of sickness, meaning the individual’s immune system is constantly trying to fight the toxins, leading to inflammation.
The “R” in CIRS refers to “Response” because the human body is designed to respond to invading toxins. In the case of patients suffering from mold sickness, the immune system is constantly trying to fight the toxins causing a stress on the complete immune system of the individual, which in turn leads to other health conditions.
As stated by Pinto, the “S” in CIRS refers to “Syndrome” because:
“The symptoms are a result of many factors, including external exposures and internal responses. The contaminants from water-damaged buildings should trigger the activation of an immune response, but some people’s genetic structure does not allow the proper recognition of the biotoxin. Since this combination of circumstances inhibits the clearance of the poison from the body, these harmful substances continue to circulate and create continual damage. With such individuals there is no linear dose/response relationship, meaning that even trivial exposures can create severe problems.“
Is CIRS Life Threatening?

Is CIRS Life Threatening?
The major problem that individuals with CIRS face is their bodies immune systems become severely compromised and weakened from the vicious cycle of invading poison, immune response, and inflammation.
The end result is many of their bodies systems are damaged leading to a wide range of health conditions, some life threatening.
For this reason, many mold survivors have reported that they have abandoned the primary residence that initially made them sick; instead, seeking shelter in trailer parks, and very dry areas, with desert like conditions where moisture is limited. These drastic measures were taken by these individuals because their bodies have become so sensitized to mold that even minor exposure triggers severe reactions.
Fortunately, the continued research on mold sickness is creating hope because treatments have developed that help individuals detox and eliminate the poisons, followed by rebuilding the immune system so that it regains strength.
Do You Suspect You Have A Mold Illness?

Do You Suspect You Have A Mold Illness?
The core problem with CIRS is the fact that there are so many symptoms associated with the condition.
Are you constantly seeking medical attention?
Have you been feeling sick for an extended period of time?
If you think you may be sick because of mold, review the mold sensitized interviews to gather more information.
The next step is to verify that you actually have a bio-toxin illness caused by mold, meaning you should get your home tested for mold.
Then seek out an environmental physician who can properly diagnose, determine if you have a genetic pre-disposition to mold illness, and most importantly begin treatment so your body can properly detox.
If you are diagnosed with mold illness, your physician may request that you leave your home for awhile during the detox process.
During this period, we advise that you get all the mold removed from your home, your contents cleaned, and a thorough cleaning of your HVAC system to prevent the spread of mold spores after the remediation is complete.
Got Mold Questions?
Questions? Need help? We are mold removal experts. We understand the needs of mold sensitized individuals and will make sure that your mold concerns are dealt with effectively, backing our work with our guarantee! Call 470-545-4467 or send us an e-mail. Mold B Gone looks forward to serving you!
by Eric Brown | Jan 31, 2019 | 37 Symptoms Associated With Mold Illness, Attic Mold, Basement Mold, black mold removal Atlanta, black mold removal Georgia, Can Black Mold Poison You?, Can Mold Kill?, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), Commercial Mold Remediation, Commercial Mold Removal, Crawlspace Mold, Dead Mold Spores, Health, Homeowner Tips, How Toxic Is Mold?, Indoor Air Quality, Killing Mold, Mold Facts, Mold Information, Mold Inspection, Mold Remediation, Mold Removal, Mold Removal Alpharetta GA, Mold Removal Atlanta GA, Questions and Answers, Stachybotrys Black Mold, Toxic Mold
Is Mold Making Me Sick?

Is Mold Making Me Sick?
Mold B Gone has been serving residents in the Atlanta area for more than a decade. We are experts at mold testing and mold removal, using our proven system to ensure that the indoor ecology of our clients’ properties are healthy.
We are particularly proud to offer specialized mold removal services to individuals that are mold sensitized.
The main purpose of this article is to explain why some people are more susceptible to mold illness and require specialized mold removal services to recover!
What Does Mold Sensitized Mean?
In March of 2015, Wonder Makers Environmental, based in Michigan, launched with the goal of educating consumers, contractors, and health professionals on the health concerns caused by mold. The website’s goal is to be the ultimate resource of mold information and contains many articles written by the CEO, Michael Pinto.
Since launching the website, many mold sensitized individuals have been interviewed. Five key lessons can be learned from these interviews.
- There is a lack of appreciation in the medical community of the impact mold can have on certain individuals.
- Symptoms from mold sickness are broad, leading to multiple mis-diagnosis of patients by many doctors.
- Mold sensitized individuals seek help from multiple medical practitioners because their illnesses continue.
- The mold sensitized individual eventually learns that mold has been the cause of their sickness.
- Because traditional remediation approaches do not adequately address their sensitivities, mold sensitized individuals often are forced to seek alternative shelters.
According to experts featured on the MOLDY documentary, 28 percent of the population have genes that make them highly susceptible to mold-related illness. Putting this into perspective, and based on the population of the metro Atlanta area, there are approximately 1.5 residents susceptible to mold sickness.
According to Dr. Richie Shoemaker, a physician and expert in the field of biotoxin-related illness and author of the book Surviving Mold, the most common condition associated with mold illness is Chronic Inflammatory Syndrome.
What Is Chronic Inflammatory Syndrome?

What Is Chronic Inflammatory Syndrome?
Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), also known as Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), is a combination of illnesses or aliments that are in direct relation with an individual’s place of work or home environment:
An acute and chronic, systemic inflammatory response syndrome acquired following exposure to the interior environment of a water-damaged building with resident toxigenic organisms, including, but not limited to fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes and mycobacteria as well as inflammagens such as endotoxins, beta glucans, hemolysins, proteinases, mannans, c-type lectins and possibly spirocyclic drimanes, plus volatile ogranic compounds.
The term Sick Building Syndrome was first coined by the World Health Organization in the 1980s and it is believed that it is caused by poor air quality caused by water damage.
According to Shoemaker:
This illness happens after exposure to the interior environment of a Water-Damaged Building (WDB). There are many ways buildings become home to a toxic mix of microbes, fragments of microbes, and harmful chemicals. Buildings can host fungi, bacteria, mycobacteria, and actinomycetes as a result of construction defects like inappropriate ventilation; faulty construction of crawl spaces or inadequate building design; flat roofs or fake stucco cladding without adequate caulking; incomplete basements exposed to saturated ground water conditions; or not correcting water leaks.
According to Shoemaker, 25% of the population has a genetic pre-disposition to CIRS; women tend to report more symptoms than men:
Genes made them prime targets for an assault by their own innate immune systems….exposure to the interior environment of a Water-Damaged Building (WDB), [causes] an innate immune response that is going haywire.
Individuals exposed to the toxins in a water damaged building suffer from chronic illness because their bodies are trying to eliminate the foreign substances that stay in the body resulting in chronic inflammation and multiple symptoms. In fact, one of the reasons that it is so difficult to diagnose CIRS is due to the fact that there are 37 symptoms: fatigue; weakness; aches; muscle cramps; unusual pain; ice pick pain; headache; light sensitivity; red eyes; blurred vision; tearing; sinus problems; cough; shortness of breath; abdominal pain; diarrhea; joint pain; morning stiffness; memory issues; focus/concentration issues; word recollection issues; decreased learning of new knowledge; confusion; disorientation; skin sensitivity; mood swings; appetite swings; sweats (especially night sweats); temperature regulation or dysregulation problems; excessive thirst; increased urination; static shocks; numbness; tingling; vertigo; metallic taste; and tremors.
Because of the large number of symptoms and different combinations that a patient can have, CIRS is difficult to diagnose.
Suspect Mold Is Making You Sick? Here Are Some Recommendations!

Suspect Mold Is Making You Sick? Here Are Some Recommendations!
If you have been suffering from ill-health for an extended period of time and the treatments that you are prescribed do not seem to help, then here are some recommended action steps.
- Listen to your body. If you are feeling sick and despite under-going multiple treatments still continue to feel sick, then do not give up on trying to find out what the cause is.
- Research mold sickness. The website,, has a significant amount of information on mold and it’s impact on health and is constantly updating the site with new information on its blog. In particular, you may want to read these articles: Medical Evidence that Connects Mold Exposure to Illness Keeps Piling Up;
Do People Really Get Sick From a Little Mold in Their House?;
What is Stachybotrys Mold?;
The Mystery of Mycotoxins in Mold Contamination;
The WHO on Mold;
TOP 10 Questions and Answers About Water-Damaged Buildings;
- Review the experiences of mold survivors to gain greater insight into mold sickness. One of the primary reasons you want to do this is so that you will have some further evidence that you can take to your preferred medical practitioner.
- Continue to educate yourself. Because of the lack of knowledge in the mainstream medical community, you need to take a lead role in determining whether mold is making you sick.
- Finally, if after all your research, you think that mold is the problem, then verify the existence of mold in your home by investing in a mold inspection and air quality test.
What Should I Do If I Am Diagnosed With Mold Sickness?

What Should I Do If I Am Diagnosed With Mold Sickness?
If you suspect that you are sick because of mold, then the next step is to find a Doctor that has knowledge about mold sickness. To find listings of environmental doctors throughout the world, click here.
Two Steps To Recovery!
Once you are diagnosed, there are two distinct steps to your recovery.
Seek Medical Treatment
Medical treatment is designed to detox your body and allow your immune system to recover and begin to regain its strength. The detox strategy will be prescribed by your physician who will likely recommend that you remove yourself from the property that has been making you sick until it is safe to occupy again.
Remediate Your Home
The process of removing mold from your home and ensuring that you can move back in without experiencing further sickness is the long term solution to health recovery.
In the past, mold sensitized individuals were forced to abandon their primary residences even after remediation because contractors did not understand the Big Picture of how the remediation and cleaning activities have to be coordinated with the medical and building maintenance aspects of the project.
If you want to invest into mold remediation, we recommend that you hire Mold B Gone because we have invested in the remediation for sensitized individuals training. Our team graduated from this course. In addition, Mold B Gone specializes in whole house and room sanitizing to reduce the amount of bacteria and pathogens in your home allowing you to breath easier and healthier.
Five Key Benefits Offered To Mold Sensitized Individuals By Mold B Gone!
Mold B Gone offers mold sensitized individuals these five key benefits:
- Commitment to completing the job correctly the first time, with the understanding that our goal is provide you with a safe place to live or work because our team knows that our work practices can impact your health.
- Clear understanding that the environmental portion of projects with sensitized individuals has many facets (i.e., source removal, content cleaning, HVAC decontamination, whole structure cleaning, building performance improvements, etc.) and will provide services only in those areas where they are qualified.
- Clear understanding that your project requires procedures that are more protective than the current standard of care for the mold remediation industry.
- Commitment to specific project endpoints that have been designed for sensitized individuals (endpoints that incorporate the latest health/science data).
- Long term cost savings, peace of mind, and less anxiety because we will be familiar with situations like yours and the most effective techniques for this stringent remediation.
Got Mold Questions?
Mold B Gone is here to help and committed to serving mold sensitized individuals. If you suspect that mold is making you sick, call us, 470-545-4467 or contact us via e-mail for further assistance. Our goal is to help you live a healthier and happy life. Most importantly, we truly empathize with your situation and are committed to helping you and guarantee our services.
by Eric Brown | Aug 29, 2018 | 37 Symptoms Associated With Mold Illness, black mold removal Atlanta, black mold removal Georgia, Can Black Mold Poison You?, Can Mold Kill?, Commercial Mold Remediation, Commercial Mold Removal, Crawlspace Mold, Health, How Toxic Is Mold?, Indoor Air Quality, Mold Information, Mold Inspection, Mold Remediation, Mold Removal, Mold Removal Alpharetta GA, Mold Removal Atlanta GA, Stachybotrys Black Mold, Toxic Mold
Is Black Mold Dangerous?

Is Black Mold Dangerous?
Mold B Gone are mold inspection and mold removal experts serving the Atlanta, Georgia area. We have helped 1000s of consumers and business owners with their mold issues using our 8 step mold removal process and eco-friendly chemicals that prevent future mold growth. We are so confident in our mold removal system that we guarantee our work!
One of our goals is to educate consumers about mold through our blog. We are often called by people who are concerned that they may have black mold growing in their homes or businesses. Please don’t panic! We are here to help and are just a phone call away, 470-545-4467!
One of the most common questions we encounter pertains to black mold. The purpose of this article is to explain what black mold is, why it grows, and the potential health consequences of exposure.
What Is Black Mold?

What Is Black Mold?
Stachybotrys molds decay organic matter. The most common species, Stachybotrys chartarum, sometimes referred to as Stachybotrys atra often grows indoors.
Ideal conditions for Stachybotrys growth include moisture, a nutrient/food source, temperature, and time. Ideal humidity for this black mold is a relative humidity of 90% or higher for it to begin the germination growth process. Stachybotrys feeds on materials with a high cellulose content such as hay, straw, wood chips, and building materials such as ceiling tile, drywall, paper vapor barriers, wallpaper, insulation backing, cardboard boxes, and paper files.
Stachybotrys is considered the King of Molds because it will develop into the dominant mold group if the conditions are favorable and will crowd out the other molds that began feeding on the material first.
This happens because unlike other molds like Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Cladosporium which begin growing within one to two days, Stachybotrys takes one to two weeks to begin growing.
Don’t Disturb Black Mold!

Don’t Disturb Black Mold!
When Stachybotrys mold is growing on wet material, the spores do not disperse as easily because the spores are held together by a sticky/slimy coating. However, when the material dries out or is disturbed, the spores will spread through the air.
The main concern of a mold remediation contractor is to prevent the spread of toxic black mold. The most effective method of doing this is through containment, which is the process of creating a poly barrier around the area where the Stachybotrys mold is growing.
This procedure is so important because Stachybotrys spreads by releasing spores. Mold contaminated materials must be removed and disposed of because this mold does not just grow on the surface of the material; it has root-like tendrils called mycelia, meaning it is able to penetrate the surface.
Typically Stachybotry mold grows in clusters at the end of stem-like structures known as hyphae.
Black Mold and Health!

Black Mold and Health!
Stachybotrys produces a mycotoxin (i.e., poison from a fungus) named trichothecenes.
Stachybotrys black mold is a health concern because animal studies have shown that one of the major effects of trichothecenes is immuno-suppression.
In fact, even low level exposure can suppress the immune system resulting in bacterial and viral infections, coughing, skin irritation, and other allergic reactions, and there is some speculation that it may even cause cancer.
Listed below are the top 15 health conditions caused when toxic Stachybotrys black mold is inhaled or ingested:
- Sore/hoarse throat
- Cold and flu symptoms (headaches, slight fever, and muscle aches)
- Nosebleeds
- Tingling or burning of nose, mouth, and perspiration areas (under the arms or between the legs)
- Chronic fatigue
- Dizziness
- Nausea/vomiting
- Memory loss
- Attention deficit/concentration problems
- Personality changes such as irritability or depression
- Neurological disorders such as tremors
- Hair loss
- Coughing with blood
- Bleeding in the lungs (hemosiderosis)
- Damage to internal organs including blood, liver, kidneys, and lungs
Got Black Mold Questions?

Got Black Mold Questions?
If you are concerned that you may have black mold in your home or business that requires removal, call Mold B Gone, 470-545-4467 or send us an e-mail.
Black Mold Summary!
The infographic below, courtesy of the Mold Blogger, provides an excellent summary on black mold and the health symptoms of exposure.

Black Mold Summary!
by Eric Brown | Dec 1, 2017 | Flood, Flood Clean Up, Flood Damage Mitigation, Flood Damage Restoration, Flood Damage Restoration Atlanta, Health, Homeowner Tips, How Toxic Is Mold?, Indoor Air Quality, Killing Mold, Mold and Asthma, Mold and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Mold and Depression, Mold and Multiple Sclerosis, Mold and Parkinson's Disease, Mold and Sinusitis, Mold Facts, Mold Information, Property Damage Restoration, Questions and Answers, Toxic Mold, Water Damage Cleanup, Water Damage Prevention, Water Damage Restoration, Water Damage Restoration Atlanta
Why Should I Get My Home Or Business Dried Professionally After Water Damage?

Why Should I Get My Home Or Business Dried Professionally After Water Damage?
One of the services that Mold B Gone specializes in is water damage restoration. We offer this service because the biggest concern that you should have if your home floods or a washing machine hose bursts or one of the pipes burst is mold prevention. Keep in mind, mold will begin growing within 24 to 48 hours, so it is very important that the moisture in your home or business is controlled.
Unfortunately, when people suffer water damage to their properties, they tend to think they can manage the concern themselves using a shop vac and bleach to disinfect.
The temptation to do the job yourself is strong because of the perceived cost savings. However, as this article will explain, there are nine critical reasons you should call a professional to manage the water damage concern in your home or business.
It is not just about saving a few bucks but ensuring that the moisture problems are properly dealt with to avoid future mold concerns.
#1 It May Look Dry, But There Is Still Moisture!
Water always takes the path of least resistance, flowing to the lowest point on your property. Even so, you can’t always know where moisture will hide. Cracks and crevices, cavities in walls and above ceilings, layers of flooring, and all other sorts of places hide water. However, without proper training, without meters to measure the moisture or infra-red cameras, you won’t be able to find all the places water lingers.
This is just another reason to hire Mold B Gone to get your home or business dried professionally because we locate all the hidden water damage – before it becomes a health threat.
#2 Water Weighs Alot!
One gallon of clean water weighs 8.34 pounds.
In a flood damage situation, the hundreds of gallons of water invading your property likely contains contaminants. That makes it even heavier. Once you’ve filled your shop vac with 3-5 gallons of dirty water, you have to get rid of it.
Now imagine lifting and carrying that water-filled bucket weighing 25 to 42 pounds up your basement stairs. Repeatedly!
Don’t risk a back injury just to save a buck, call a professional who has specialized equipment that can remove the water at a much faster speed so that commercial drying equipment and dehumidifiers can be deployed to dry out and remove as much moisture as possible. Again, the major concern of Mold B Gone is to prevent the onset of mold.
#3 Prevent Mold and Bacteria Growth!

Prevent Mold and Bacteria Growth!
The biggest health threat after water damage is mold and bacterial growth.
While your home or business will eventually dry out, moisture left inside the walls or under floors starts to grow mold in as little as 24 hours. And mold can damage your family’s or employee’s health for a very long time.
Mold exposure has been linked to:
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Asthma
- Sinus Infections
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Depression
So don’t chance it! Prevent mold and bacterial growth in your Atlanta, Georgia region home or business with professional drying.
#4 There Are Contaminants In Flood Water!

There Are Contaminants In Flood Water!
Over the ground flooding from storms carries with it a number of biological contaminants.
Don’t expose yourself to biological contaminants, call a professional that uses proper personal protective equipment.
Keep in mind, even if the water damage did not come from outside, clean water can still contain contaminants if it filtered through building materials.
The only way to determine how many contaminants are in the water is to take a sample and send it to the lab.
#5 We Maximize Your Claim Because We Will Take An Inventory And Photos Of The Contents!

We Maximize Your Claim Because We Will Take An Inventory And Photos Of The Contents!
We separate damaged items into categories of non-salvageable, salvageable, and questionable items. And, if need be, we pack-out and store your precious belongings for you to clean off-site until the water damage restoration is complete. Because we follow the best practices for water damage restoration, we keep costs down and salvage as much as possible.
#6 Mold B Gone Has Years Of Experience!
For most people, flood or water damage is a once-in-a-lifetime event.
Because of that, we know how devastating it is to see your office disrupted or your family’s possessions soaked and scattered.
But we do this work every day. We know how to make a difficult time easier for you. Our professional moisture removal methods work. We can replace do-it-yourself guesswork with our proven experience of years in the business.
#7 Our Goal Is To Save Your Possessions!
Materials and furniture exposed to flood water must be carefully evaluated. If you try to do this on your own, you may discard things that could be saved. Conversely, you may save things that absolutely must be discarded. Part of any professional water damage restoration process is evaluating your possessions. And we explain what’s safe to keep and what you need to discard.
And, for the contaminated items being disposed, we haul it away for you as part of the restoration service!
#8 We Know How To Work With Your Insurance Provider!
We use the latest water damage restoration estimating technology. That means we understand their language, and communicate with them to help resolve your insurance claim fast. If you’re a “do it your selfer,” this might be the best reason to get your property dried professionally.
When water damages homes and businesses, whether it’s from storm damage, over the ground floods, or leaking pipes, the time to act is now!
#9 Mold B Gone Uses Specialized Drying Equipment!
There’s nothing that you can rent from your local hardware store or borrow from your friend down the street that dries out your home or business like the equipment we have.
In a water damage emergency, you need industrial strength fans and dehumidifiers, placed in a very specific pattern for the most efficient drying environment.
Three Key Tips For Choosing A Water Damage Restoration Company!

Three Key Tips For Choosing A Water Damage Restoration Company!
- Look for industry experience and leadership.
- Evaluate their reputation of professionalism and customer service. Ask for referrals!
- Check to make sure you hire a company with certified technicians that have knowledge, training and experience to get your property dry fast.
Hiring a professional is the best thing you can do for your home and your family following a flood!
Have questions? Ready to hire a professional to help with your water damage repair? Contact us today to learn how we can fix up your water damage and get your home or business looking like new again. If you have questions, we’ve provided answers here in our post “15 FAQs About Water Damage Restoration!”.
Peace of mind is just a phone call away!
Remember, Mold B Gone is here to help. We provide water removal and other restoration services! Call us at 470-545-4467.
by Eric Brown | Nov 17, 2017 | 37 Symptoms Associated With Mold Illness, black mold removal Atlanta, black mold removal Georgia, Bleach and Mold, Can Black Mold Poison You?, Can Mold Kill?, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), Commercial Mold Remediation, Commercial Mold Removal, Crawlspace Mold, Dead Mold Spores, Health, Homeowner Tips, How Toxic Is Mold?, Indoor Air Quality, Killing Mold, Mold and Asthma, Mold and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Mold and Depression, Mold and Genes, Mold and Infants, Mold and Multiple Sclerosis, Mold and Parkinson's Disease, Mold and Pregnant Women, Mold and Sinusitis, Mold Facts, Mold Information, Mold Remediation, Mold Removal, Mold Sensitized Customer Testimonial, Mold Sensitized Success Story, Questions and Answers, Stachybotrys Black Mold, Toxic Mold
Got Mold & Health Questions? We Provide Answers To The 15 Most Asked Questions!

Got Mold & Health Questions? We Provide Answers To The 15 Most Asked Questions!
Mold B Gone has been helping residents in the Atlanta metropolitan area and surrounding Georgia states with mold removal since 2009.
During this period we have encountered many questions about mold and the impact it can have on health.
Listed below are the top 15 questions we have encountered with links to articles that provide detailed answers.
#1 Why is Stachybotrys Mold A Health Concern?

Why is Stachybotrys Mold A Health Concern?
You often hear about black mold in the media. Why is it such a big deal? Can black mold actually make you sick? This article explains why!
#2 Why Do Some People Get Sick From Mold And Others Do Not?

Why Do Some People Get Sick From Mold And Others Do Not?
The challenge mold poses is that it impacts everyone differently. This article explains why!
#3 What Is The Link Between Mold and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

What Is The Link Between Mold and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Considering the similarity of symptoms between those suffering from ME/CFS and those suffering from CIRS, it is likely that many individuals diagnosed with ME/CFS may have been exposed to mycotoxins produced by mold growth. Learn more!
#4 Is Mold Sickness A Hidden Epidemic?

Is Mold Sickness A Hidden Epidemic?
Since so many health professionals are not aware of the health problems mold causes, many mold advocates believe that it is a hidden epidemic. In short, you could be sick from mold and not even know it. Learn more!
#5 Does Mold Cause Sinus Infections?

Does Mold Cause Sinus Infections?
Chronic sinusitis costs the health care system more than 8 billion dollars each year. The cause is most likely mold, meaning most of the treatments prescribed are not effective. Learn more!
#6 Could Some People Diagnosed With Multiple Sclerosis Actually Be Suffering From Mold Sickness?

Could Some People Diagnosed With Multiple Sclerosis Actually Be Suffering From Mold Sickness?
Dr. Rick Sponaugle of the Florida Detox & Wellness Institute strongly believes that environmental factors, such as mold, could be a cause of MS because mold toxins destroy the myelin sheath on brain neurons, causing the classic white spots seen in MS. Learn more!
#7 How Do I Know If Mold Is Making Me Sick?

How Do I Know If Mold Is Making Me Sick?
Most people do not even know they are sick because of mold and or suffering from Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS). Learn more!
#8 Are Dead Mold Spores Harmful?

Are Dead Mold Spores Harmful?
There is a lot of bad information on the internet. One of the most prevalent myths is that you can kill mold. This article explains why this is not a good idea and why it can impact your health. Learn more!
#9 Why Does Mold Cause Depression?

Why Does Mold Cause Depression?
Doctor Ackerley believes there is a strong correlation between mold and brain health, particularly depression and suicide. Learn more!
#10 Does Mold Cause Parkinson’s Disease?

Does Mold Cause Parkinson’s Disease?
Recent research suggests that that biologic compounds such as mold have the potential to damage dopamine and cause Parkinson’s symptoms. Learn more!
#11 Why Is Mold A Health Concern?

Why Is Mold A Health Concern?
Mold is nature’s recycler meaning it is designed to break down dead, organic material. Now, imagine, what happens when you have mold growing in your home. It is breaking down the material it is feeding on. Since we spend up to 90 percent of our time indoors this creates a situation ripe for health issues. Learn more!
#12 Does Mold Remediation Improve Health?

Does Mold Remediation Improve Health?
Yes, it does, this article cites a case study.
#13 Does Mold Cause Asthma?

Does Mold Cause Asthma?
Four studies demonstrate a strong link between mold and asthma. Learn more!
#14 Does Mold Affect Pregnant Women and Infants?

Does Mold Affect Pregnant Women and Infants?
This is a difficult topic to research, but there is some evidence that mold could have an impact. Learn more!
#15 Can Mold Poison Me?

Can Mold Poison Me?
There is evidence that toxins and poisons released by growing mold can harm one’s immune system and cause severe sickness. Learn more!
Got Mold and Health Questions?
If you are concerned about mold and think that it may be impacting your health, please do not hesitate to contact us because we specialize in helping mold sensitized individuals. Our team of professionals looks forward to serving you. Peace of mind is just a phone call away, 678-697-6267!
by Eric Brown | Oct 20, 2017 | 37 Symptoms Associated With Mold Illness, Can Black Mold Poison You?, Can Mold Kill?, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), Commercial Mold Remediation, Commercial Mold Removal, Health, Homeowner Tips, How Toxic Is Mold?, Indoor Air Quality, Killing Mold, Mold and Asthma, Mold and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Mold and Depression, Mold and Genes, Mold and Multiple Sclerosis, Mold and Parkinson's Disease, Mold and Pregnant Women, Mold and Sids, Mold and Sinusitis, Mold Facts, Mold Information, Mold Inspection, Mold Remediation, Mold Removal, Mold Sensitized Customer Testimonial, Property Damage Restoration, Questions and Answers, Stachybotrys Black Mold
What Impact Do Genes Have On Mold Illness?

What Impact Do Genes Have On Mold Illness?
Mold B Gone specializes in helping mold sensitized individuals.
One of the questions we are often asked is why do some people get sick from mold and other’s do not?
One of the biggest challenges faced by people sick from mold is the fact that doctors, friends, and other family members dismiss their symptoms simply because they do not get sick when exposed to mold.
Many victims of mold sickness are labelled as hypochondriacs and are accused of not being sick at all.
This is tragic because many people that get sick have no control over their sickness because their bodies have a genetic pre-disposition to mold illness.
The other major problem with mold illness is the fact that there are so many symptoms, 37, associated with it, meaning it is difficult for physicians to pinpoint the cause.
This article explains how your genes impact mold illness and what you can do if you suspect that you suffer from Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).
Legal Challenges Faced By Mold Sensitized Individuals

Legal Challenges Faced By Mold Sensitized Individuals
Sickness from mold has been around for decades.
Victims of mold have tried to plea their cases in the courts seeking compensation for the health damages caused by poorly maintained homes and buildings that had water damage and mold.
Unfortunately, many of the plaintiffs lost their battle because the courts did not believe that mold actually makes people sick.
Despite this, data from thousands of contractors working with occupants of water-damaged buildings documented the health challenges that many mold sensitized individuals faced.
According to Erik Johnson, a mold expert and survivor, it was not until the 1990s, that the World Health Organization, acknowledged that “Sick Building Syndrome” could be caused by toxic mold.
Moving forward, finally, it seems that there is greater recognition that mold is in fact the cause of sickness for many. In 2015, the MOLDY documentary featured health professionals and people who have suffered mental and physical health issues after living in moldy homes. This was a ground breaking documentary because it brought the issue of mold and sickness to a much broader audience, thereby creating significant awareness of this issue.
In a presentation at the PLR Expo in Toronto, Canada, in 2015, CEO of Wonder Makers Environmental, Michael Pinto presented “12 Future Trends In The Restoration Industry“.
One of the most notable trends he cites is a “A Tighter Connection Between Medicine and Environment“.
Pinto cites new diagnosing techniques to identify the illness, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) (detailed below), which legitimizes the tie between Water Damaged Buildings (WDB) and sickness. Research has identified a genetic component to this condition (explained below), a screening test (VCS), and most importantly, a treatment regimen.
Other trends Pinto believes demonstrate the important ties between medicine and the environment include the Environmental Relative Moldiness Index (ERMI) which is a scientific test that analyzes dust samples for 36 mold species. This test provides base information to identify CIRS because 26 of the mold species are considered to be water damage indicators.
This test is important because one sample can be analyzed to identify the extent of water damage in the building that could make someone susceptible to CIRS sick. Importantly, this test will provide an ERMI score, ie. a HERTSMI-2 score that can be given to physicians and will help them assess whether a building will make their patient sick.
Because of the growing medical awareness and the fact that there are now medical tests and drugs to diagnose and treat mold illness, Pinto believes that one of the other consequences of this acknowledgement will be a “More Active Justice System” where plaintiffs will now be able to get compensation because they now have science to back up their claims.
25% Of People Have A Genetic Predisposition to Mold Illness

25% Of People Have A Genetic Predisposition to Mold Illness
The most interesting aspect of the research on the effect that Sick Building Syndrome has on patients pertains to genetics. One of the biggest problems with mold sickness is that it impacts everyone differently. Some may experience minor allergies, and other health conditions like asthma and chronic sinusitis, while other mold sensitized patients may suffer severe illnesses.
One physician documented the health symptoms of 227 patients that lived in water damaged buildings during a three year period. What this doctor found was that 98% of his patients had one of the gene types where their immune systems were not able to effectively deal with contaminants from water damaged buildings.
As stated by Pinto:
“In layman’s terms, two different genes have been isolated, which keep some people’s immune systems from functioning properly when they have been exposed to contaminants from water-damaged buildings. Instead of properly identifying and eliminating the foreign invader, those body defense mechanisms increase the problem. When viewed with a basic understanding of genetic distributions, this research made it clear that up to a quarter of the population (25%) is at increased risk from exposure to water-damaged buildings.“
This research is very significant because it demonstrates that up to 25% of the population has a genetic pre-disposition that makes them more susceptible to mold illness and the condition known as Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).
Because of this research, the scientific community and legal system is now taking much greater notice because diagnostic tests, lab tests and treatment tools are being developed to help these patients.
37 Health Conditions Associated With CIRS!

37 Health Conditions Associated With CIRS!
Listed below are the 37 symptoms associated with CIRS.
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Aches
- Muscle Cramps
- Unusual Pain
- Ice Pick Pain
- Headache
- Light Sensitivity
- Red Eyes
- Blurred Vision
- Tearing
- Sinus Problems
- Cough
- Shortness of Breath
- Abdominal Pain
- Diarrhea
- Joint Pain
- Morning Stiffness
- Memory Issues
- Focus/Concentration Issues
- Word Recollection Issues
- Decreased Learning of New Knowledge
- Confusion
- Disorientation
- Skin Sensitivity
- Mood Swings
- Appetite Swings
- Sweats (especially night sweats)
- Temperature Regulation or Dysregulation Problems
- Excessive Thirst
- Increased Urination
- Static Shocks
- Numbness
- Tingling
- Vertigo
- Metallic Taste
- Tremors
According to Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, CIRS is:
“an accute and chronic, systemic inflammatory response syndrome acquired following exposure to the interior environment of a water-damaged building with resident toxigenic organisms, including, but not limited to fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes and mycobacteria as well as inflammagens such as endotoxins, beta glucans, hemolysins, proteinases, mannans, c-type lectins and possibly spirocyclic drimanes, plus volatile ogranic compounds.“
For 75% of the population, when exposed to biotoxins caused by mold, the individuals immune system responds by binding with the invading poison that allows its cells to filter the biotoxins through the liver, kidneys, and other organs. In contrast, 25% of the population that have the genetic susceptibility to mold illness get sick because their bodies immune system does not bind to the biotoxin, meaning it is not eliminated and therefore continues to circulate, causing the many symptoms, documented below.
The “C” in CIRS refers to the term “Chronic” because individuals that are exposed to poisons from mold are unable to eliminate the toxins from their body, resulting in on-going and escalating sickness, particularly if the person is continually exposed to mold. This is the primary reason that the first priority of medical practitioners treating mold sensitized patients is to begin the detox process which also must coincide with movement away from the building that is constantly exposing the person to the toxins.
The “I” in CIRS refers to the term “Inflammatory” because the constant exposure to the toxins creates a cycle of sickness, meaning the individual’s immune system is constantly trying to fight the toxins, leading to inflammation.
The “R” in CIRS refers to “Response” because the human body is designed to respond to invading toxins. In the case of patients suffering from mold sickness, the immune system is constantly trying to fight the toxins causing a stress on the complete immune system of the individual, which in turn leads to other health conditions.
As stated by Pinto, the “S” in CIRS refers to “Syndrome” because:
“The symptoms are a result of many factors, including external exposures and internal responses. The contaminants from water-damaged buildings should trigger the activation of an immune response, but some people’s genetic structure does not allow the proper recognition of the biotoxin. Since this combination of circumstances inhibits the clearance of the poison from the body, these harmful substances continue to circulate and create continual damage. With such individuals there is no linear dose/response relationship, meaning that even trivial exposures can create severe problems.“
Is CIRS Life Threatening?

Is CIRS Life Threatening?
The major problem that individuals with CIRS face is their bodies immune systems become severely compromised and weakened from the vicious cycle of invading poison, immune response, and inflammation.
The end result is many of their bodies systems are damaged leading to a wide range of health conditions, some life threatening.
For this reason, many mold survivors have reported that they have abandoned the primary residence that initially made them sick; instead, seeking shelter in trailer parks, and very dry areas, with desert like conditions where moisture is limited. These drastic measures were taken by these individuals because their bodies have become so sensitized to mold that even minor exposure triggers severe reactions.
Fortunately, the continued research on mold sickness is creating hope because treatments have developed that help individuals detox and eliminate the poisons, followed by rebuilding the immune system so that it regains strength.
Do You Suspect You Have A Mold Illness?

Do You Suspect You Have A Mold Illness?
The core problem with CIRS is the fact that there are so many symptoms associated with the condition.
Are you constantly seeking medical attention?
Have you been feeling sick for an extended period of time?
If you think you may be sick because of mold, review the mold sensitized interviews to gather more information.
The next step is to verify that you actually have a bio-toxin illness caused by mold, meaning you should get your home tested for mold.
Then seek out an environmental physician who can properly diagnose, determine if you have a genetic pre-disposition to mold illness, and most importantly begin treatment so your body can properly detox.
If you are diagnosed with mold illness, your physician may request that you leave your home for awhile during the detox process.
During this period, we advise that you get all the mold removed from your home, your contents cleaned, and a thorough cleaning of your HVAC system to prevent the spread of mold spores after the remediation is complete.
Got Mold Questions?