Top 37 Symptoms Associated With Mold Illness!

Top 37 Symptoms Associated With Mold Illness!

What Impact Do Genes Have On Mold Illness?

What Impact Do Genes Have On Mold Illness?

What Impact Do Genes Have On Mold Illness?

Mold B Gone specializes in helping mold sensitized individuals.

One of the questions we are often asked is why do some people get sick from mold and other’s do not?

One of the biggest challenges faced by people sick from mold is the fact that doctors, friends, and other family members dismiss their symptoms simply because they do not get sick when exposed to mold.

Many victims of mold sickness are labelled as hypochondriacs and are accused of not being sick at all.

This is tragic because many people that get sick have no control over their sickness because their bodies have a genetic pre-disposition to mold illness.

The other major problem with mold illness is the fact that there are so many symptoms, 37, associated with it, meaning it is difficult for physicians to pinpoint the cause.

This article explains how your genes impact mold illness and what you can do if you suspect that you suffer from Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).

Legal Challenges Faced By Mold Sensitized Individuals

Legal Challenges Faced By Mold Sensitized Individuals

Legal Challenges Faced By Mold Sensitized Individuals

Sickness from mold has been around for decades.

Victims of mold have tried to plea their cases in the courts seeking compensation for the health damages caused by poorly maintained homes and buildings that had water damage and mold.

Unfortunately, many of the plaintiffs lost their battle because the courts did not believe that mold actually makes people sick.

Despite this, data from thousands of contractors working with occupants of water-damaged buildings documented the health challenges that many mold sensitized individuals faced.

According to Erik Johnson, a mold expert and survivor, it was not until the 1990s, that the World Health Organization, acknowledged that “Sick Building Syndrome” could be caused by toxic mold.

Moving forward, finally, it seems that there is greater recognition that mold is in fact the cause of sickness for many. In 2015, the MOLDY documentary featured health professionals and people who have suffered mental and physical health issues after living in moldy homes. This was a ground breaking documentary because it brought the issue of mold and sickness to a much broader audience, thereby creating significant awareness of this issue.

In a presentation at the PLR Expo in Toronto, Canada, in 2015, CEO of Wonder Makers Environmental, Michael Pinto presented “12 Future Trends In The Restoration Industry“.

One of the most notable trends he cites is a “A Tighter Connection Between Medicine and Environment“.

Pinto cites new diagnosing techniques to identify the illness, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) (detailed below), which legitimizes the tie between Water Damaged Buildings (WDB) and sickness. Research has identified a genetic component to this condition (explained below), a screening test (VCS), and most importantly, a treatment regimen.

Other trends Pinto believes demonstrate the important ties between medicine and the environment include the Environmental Relative Moldiness Index (ERMI) which is a scientific test that analyzes dust samples for 36 mold species. This test provides base information to identify CIRS because 26 of the mold species are considered to be water damage indicators.

This test is important because one sample can be analyzed to identify the extent of water damage in the building that could make someone susceptible to CIRS sick. Importantly, this test will provide an ERMI score, ie. a HERTSMI-2 score that can be given to physicians and will help them assess whether a building will make their patient sick.

Because of the growing medical awareness and the fact that there are now medical tests and drugs to diagnose and treat mold illness, Pinto believes that one of the other consequences of this acknowledgement will be a “More Active Justice System” where plaintiffs will now be able to get compensation because they now have science to back up their claims.

25% Of People Have A Genetic Predisposition to Mold Illness

25% Of People Have A Genetic Predisposition to Mold Illness

25% Of People Have A Genetic Predisposition to Mold Illness

The most interesting aspect of the research on the effect that Sick Building Syndrome has on patients pertains to genetics. One of the biggest problems with mold sickness is that it impacts everyone differently. Some may experience minor allergies, and other health conditions like asthma and chronic sinusitis, while other mold sensitized patients may suffer severe illnesses.

One physician documented the health symptoms of 227 patients that lived in water damaged buildings during a three year period. What this doctor found was that 98% of his patients had one of the gene types where their immune systems were not able to effectively deal with contaminants from water damaged buildings.

As stated by Pinto:

In layman’s terms, two different genes have been isolated, which keep some people’s immune systems from functioning properly when they have been exposed to contaminants from water-damaged buildings. Instead of properly identifying and eliminating the foreign invader, those body defense mechanisms increase the problem. When viewed with a basic understanding of genetic distributions, this research made it clear that up to a quarter of the population (25%) is at increased risk from exposure to water-damaged buildings.

This research is very significant because it demonstrates that up to 25% of the population has a genetic pre-disposition that makes them more susceptible to mold illness and the condition known as Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).

Because of this research, the scientific community and legal system is now taking much greater notice because diagnostic tests, lab tests and treatment tools are being developed to help these patients.

37 Health Conditions Associated With CIRS!

37 Health Conditions Associated With CIRS!

37 Health Conditions Associated With CIRS!

Listed below are the 37 symptoms associated with CIRS.

  1. Fatigue
  2. Weakness
  3. Aches
  4. Muscle Cramps
  5. Unusual Pain
  6. Ice Pick Pain
  7. Headache
  8. Light Sensitivity
  9. Red Eyes
  10. Blurred Vision
  11. Tearing
  12. Sinus Problems
  13. Cough
  14. Shortness of Breath
  15. Abdominal Pain
  16. Diarrhea
  17. Joint Pain
  18. Morning Stiffness
  19. Memory Issues
  20. Focus/Concentration Issues
  21. Word Recollection Issues
  22. Decreased Learning of New Knowledge
  23. Confusion
  24. Disorientation
  25. Skin Sensitivity
  26. Mood Swings
  27. Appetite Swings
  28. Sweats (especially night sweats)
  29. Temperature Regulation or Dysregulation Problems
  30. Excessive Thirst
  31. Increased Urination
  32. Static Shocks
  33. Numbness
  34. Tingling
  35. Vertigo
  36. Metallic Taste
  37. Tremors

According to Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, CIRS is:

an accute and chronic, systemic inflammatory response syndrome acquired following exposure to the interior environment of a water-damaged building with resident toxigenic organisms, including, but not limited to fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes and mycobacteria as well as inflammagens such as endotoxins, beta glucans, hemolysins, proteinases, mannans, c-type lectins and possibly spirocyclic drimanes, plus volatile ogranic compounds.

For 75% of the population, when exposed to biotoxins caused by mold, the individuals immune system responds by binding with the invading poison that allows its cells to filter the biotoxins through the liver, kidneys, and other organs. In contrast, 25% of the population that have the genetic susceptibility to mold illness get sick because their bodies immune system does not bind to the biotoxin, meaning it is not eliminated and therefore continues to circulate, causing the many symptoms, documented below.

The “C” in CIRS refers to the term “Chronic” because individuals that are exposed to poisons from mold are unable to eliminate the toxins from their body, resulting in on-going and escalating sickness, particularly if the person is continually exposed to mold. This is the primary reason that the first priority of medical practitioners treating mold sensitized patients is to begin the detox process which also must coincide with movement away from the building that is constantly exposing the person to the toxins.

The “I” in CIRS refers to the term “Inflammatory” because the constant exposure to the toxins creates a cycle of sickness, meaning the individual’s immune system is constantly trying to fight the toxins, leading to inflammation.

The “R” in CIRS refers to “Response” because the human body is designed to respond to invading toxins. In the case of patients suffering from mold sickness, the immune system is constantly trying to fight the toxins causing a stress on the complete immune system of the individual, which in turn leads to other health conditions.

As stated by Pinto, the “S” in CIRS refers to “Syndrome” because:

The symptoms are a result of many factors, including external exposures and internal responses. The contaminants from water-damaged buildings should trigger the activation of an immune response, but some people’s genetic structure does not allow the proper recognition of the biotoxin. Since this combination of circumstances inhibits the clearance of the poison from the body, these harmful substances continue to circulate and create continual damage. With such individuals there is no linear dose/response relationship, meaning that even trivial exposures can create severe problems.

Is CIRS Life Threatening?

Is CIRS Life Threatening?

Is CIRS Life Threatening?

The major problem that individuals with CIRS face is their bodies immune systems become severely compromised and weakened from the vicious cycle of invading poison, immune response, and inflammation.

The end result is many of their bodies systems are damaged leading to a wide range of health conditions, some life threatening.

For this reason, many mold survivors have reported that they have abandoned the primary residence that initially made them sick; instead, seeking shelter in trailer parks, and very dry areas, with desert like conditions where moisture is limited. These drastic measures were taken by these individuals because their bodies have become so sensitized to mold that even minor exposure triggers severe reactions.

Fortunately, the continued research on mold sickness is creating hope because treatments have developed that help individuals detox and eliminate the poisons, followed by rebuilding the immune system so that it regains strength.

Do You Suspect You Have A Mold Illness?

Do You Suspect You Have A Mold Illness?

Do You Suspect You Have A Mold Illness?

The core problem with CIRS is the fact that there are so many symptoms associated with the condition.

Are you constantly seeking medical attention?

Have you been feeling sick for an extended period of time?

If you think you may be sick because of mold, review the mold sensitized interviews to gather more information.

The next step is to verify that you actually have a bio-toxin illness caused by mold, meaning you should get your home tested for mold.

Then seek out an environmental physician who can properly diagnose, determine if you have a genetic pre-disposition to mold illness, and most importantly begin treatment so your body can properly detox.

If you are diagnosed with mold illness, your physician may request that you leave your home for awhile during the detox process.

During this period, we advise that you get all the mold removed from your home, your contents cleaned, and a thorough cleaning of your HVAC system to prevent the spread of mold spores after the remediation is complete.

Got Mold Questions?

Questions? Need help? Mold B Gone looks forward to serving you, with the added benefit that we understand the needs of mold sensitized individuals. Call 678-697-6267 or send us an e-mail!

How Do I Know If Mold Is Growing In My Basement?

How Do I Know If Mold Is Growing In My Basement?

Why Does My Basement Smell Bad?

Why Does My Basement Smell Bad?

Why Does My Basement Smell Bad?

If you’ve started to notice a musty smell in your basement, you may have mold in your home.

Musty odors are sometimes described as earthy and urine like.

Basements have the potential to be dark and damp places.

Add water and moisture to this equation and you have the perfect conditions for mold growth.

The odour you smell is most likely caused by the mold excreting mycotoxins.

Molds will release spores in the air as a defense mechanism to find more moisture and food, contributing to further mold growth.

If you do have mold growth, the key is to contact Mold B Gone to investigate the situation.

Mold B Gone has been serving Atlanta, Georgia area consumers and business owners since 2009.

Over the years, we have removed mold from many crawl spaces. In addition to crawl space mold removal, the other area of a home that we specialize in is the basement. This is one of the core reasons we offer our basement finishing service.

This article provides you with ten tips to prevent mold in your basement.

Implement these tips to avoid future headaches and costly mold removal in the future.

Top 6 Mold Species You Will Find In Your Basement!

The infograpnhic below lists the top 6 mold species that could be growing in your basement.

To determine the species our staff will either gather the spore count in the air using our air quality testing equipment or take swab or tape samples of visible mold. The samples are then sent to an independent lab to verify the species and spore count.

Top 6 Mold Species You Will Find In Your Basement

Top 6 Mold Species You Will Find In Your Basement

Top 10 Tips To Prevent Basement Mold!

Top 10 Tips To Prevent Basement Mold!

Top 10 Tips To Prevent Basement Mold!

Fix The Flooding Source!

The first step to preventing future flooding is to determine the cause and fix it. Most basements flood because of backed up drains, leaky pipes, human error (i.e. leaving a tap on), sewer back ups, the lack of a sump pump and/or a malfunctioning sump pump.

Start The Clean Up As Soon As Possible!

The onset of mold will begin within 24 to 48 hours, so it is essential that you begin the clean up immediately.

Hire Experienced Professionals!

If mold is not properly contained and cleaned properly, it can become airborne and contaminate even larger areas of the property.

You need to hire properly trained professionals, like Mold B Gone, who understand how to properly restore a water damaged property and prevent mold growth. Mold growth prevention is important because of the health impact it has and also because mold will impact the structural integrity of the property.

Remove All Wet and Contaminated Materials!

Most insurance companies will not recommend a complete gut for cost savings. Usually they recommend that it is necessary to only remove one foot of drywall above the flood line.

We do not because this could result in long term mold problems because moisture can creep up behind the surface. For this reason, we recommend a complete gut of the basement because the extra short term cost could result in significant long term cost savings.

The last thing you want to happen is for a reconstruction to occur only to find out six months later that you now have a mold problem.

Removal of all the drywall is not our only recommendation. We also suggest the removal of following: all flooring, including the sub-floor; insulation because it absorbs moisture; and finally, if the electrical panel was submerged under water, it should be replaced as well.

Avoid Using Bleach For Clean Up!

As stated by Michael Pinto, CEO of Wonder Makers Environmental:

“Perhaps the most misunderstood aspect of bleach when proposed as a cleaner or sanitizing agent is that its effectiveness is greatly reduced in the presence of organic material. To be a successful sanitizer, bleach must be used on clean materials and surfaces. This is why bleach products are used in the laundry after the wash cycle or in a commercial kitchen as a component in the third sink after the dishes have been washed and rinsed. The efficacy of bleach as a sanitizer is also compromised by heat and light. Despite the fact that the chlorine odor may linger for some time after use, bleach loses strength so quickly that it is not considered to have a residual effect that would prevent future bacterial or fungal growth.”

Do Not Begin Any Rebuild Until the Basement Is Completely Dried Out!

We understand that a flooded basement disrupts your life and you want to resume your normal routine as soon as possible. However, patience is the key.

To avoid any future mold issues that could make you sick, measure the humidity levels and ensure that job was done properly by hiring a third party to perform an indoor air quality test.

In addition, if the flood water was category 3, we recommend that swab tests be performed to ensure that the cleaning process was done effectively.

Only after it is verified that the basement is completely dry and sanitized and clearance testing verifies that the indoor air quality is healthy should the basement rebuild begin.

Properly Insulate Your Basement!

According to Mike Holmes, a respected contractor, insulation is one of the most important factors in preventing basement mold:

“When air, which is full of moisture, leaks into that insulation, it will inevitably lead to mould. Here’s why: Your basement, like every room in your home, has its own natural air convection. The air nearest the ceiling is warmer, and the air nearer the floor is cooler. The cold air at the bottom pushes the warm air up. As it rises, it comes into contact with the cooler exterior wall and releases the moisture it’s holding. It condensates. That air and moisture — if it’s able to get into the batt insulation through a gap in the seal — will wick into the insulation. Over time, it will soak that batt to the point that water can drip down the walls and pool on to the floor….You need a thermal break to stop hot from meeting cold….So, use closed cell spray foam insulation or rigid foam insulation, which will provide a thermal break and not trap any moisture. If you’re using foam insulation boards, make sure you Tuck Tape every seam, and spray-foam all corners and joints to create a 100% seal and a perfect thermal break. That way, you’ll know that anything you do inside your finished basement won’t have to be torn out in a few years because of mould.”


If possible, open the windows on all sides of your basement in the evenings when the air is cooler to create a cross-ventilation air flow which will prevent excessive moisture and also ensure that a steady stream of fresh air is circulating throughout the basement.

Ensure Water Drains Away From Your Home’s Foundation!

One of the most effective ways to prevent water intrusion is to ensure that water is not sloping towards the foundation of your home but away from it. This is particularly important if your basement walls are porous and can trap moisture, which can lead to mold. To avoid this, ensure that the ground slopes away from the foundation walls of the home and your downspouts extend at least 6 feet away from the property.

Invest In A Dehumidifier!

To prevent excess moisture in your home, use a dehumidifier and consider waterproofing your basement by sealing cracks in the floor and walls with hydraulic cement and a concrete waterproofing sealer where the floor meets the walls.

Got Basement Mold Questions?

Got Basement Mold Questions?

Got Basement Mold Questions?

Call 678-697-6267, or contact us via e-mail.

We specialize in mold detection and mold removal and have helped 1000s of customers because we understand why mold grows and follow an 8 step procedure to ensure that the cause of the mold problem is fixed before we remove the mold.

Our ultimate goal is to ensure that mold does not grow back, which we back with our guarantee on our services.

We look forward to serving you! 🙂

Why Does My Crawlspace Have Mold?

Why Does My Crawlspace Have Mold?

Top 3 Reasons Your Crawlspace Has Mold!

Top 3 Reasons Your Crawlspace Has High Humidity

Top 3 Reasons Your Crawlspace Has Mold

Crawlspaces are the ideal environment for mold to thrive.

Most crawlspaces are dark, dirty, and humid. Bugs like to live in there. They’re vented to the outside air in the summer (and in the winter if you neglect to close your vents) which can be very humid and this defeats the purpose of venting.

Mold is a fungus that requires moisture and high humidity to grow and thrive.

Like plants, mold has cells. However, unlike a plant that has chlorophyll and able to makes it’s food through photosynthesis, mold can not feed without moisture.

Mold reproduces by releasing it’s spores, this is mold’s survival mechanism.

In addition to moisture, mold also requires the right temperature of 41 degrees fahrenheit up to 100 degrees fahrenheit, common in Atlanta, Georgia and the South.

The final ingredient mold needs to thrive is food: high cellulose materials such as paper and wood, drywall, wallpaper, carpet, ceiling tiles, dust, and dirt.

Now that you understand why mold grows in your crawlspace, the remainder of this article will list and explain the top three reasons why you have moisture in your crawlspace and what you can do to fix the humidity issues.

How To Measure The Relative Humidity Of Your Crawlspace?

The easiest way to determine the relative humidity of your crawlspace is to use a hygrometer or you could install a digital thermo-hygrometer with a remote sensor to track it.

If the relative humidity is greater than 50% this could cause moisture issues that leads to mold.

Mold will begin to grow at 50%, and will thrive when the humidity is greater than 70%.

The key to ensuring that your crawlspace does not become a source of mold is to figure out how to control the humidity.

Listed below are the top three reasons your crawlspace has high humidity.

#1 Water Accumulation

If your crawlspace has standing water, you probably have a drainage problem or a plumbing leak. This needs to be fixed immediately.

You do not want water to accumulate in your crawlspace because this will compound your potential mold problems, not to mention as mold grows it will impact the indoor air quality of your home and health.

#2 Moisture Evaporating from the Ground

When homes are built with crawl spaces, most builders neglect to cover the ground, meaning that the crawlspace is covered with dirt.

Dirt has moisture and as the moisture evaporates, it will increase the humidity in your crawlspace.

Unfortunately, this is a common problem in Atlanta, Georgia, and other southern states. To prevent moisture from evaporating from the ground, the easiest solution is to cover it up with a vapor barrier during crawlspace encapsulation.

#3 Outdoor Air Coming in through the Crawl Space Vents

The third reason your crawlspace could have moisture issues is through the vents.

When you bring outdoor air into the crawlspace, the relative humidity can increase.

Cool air cannot hold as much moisture as warm air, so the air that enters is now closer to its saturation point, referred to as the dew point.

It might be 60% relative humidity outside, relative to a temperature of 90 degrees fahrenheit, but when that air enters the crawlspace and cools down to 75 degrees fahrenheit, the relative humidity jumps up to 95%.

In the past, we were told that crawlspaces needed to be ventilated. Now, however, we are learning that crawlspaces need to be treated almost as if they were living spaces. In other words, areas that are in contact with your living space affect your living space.

Fixing Your Crawlspace Humidity and Mold Problems

If your crawlspace is vented and the relative humidity is high, you need to fix the problems. It is not as simple as installing a dehumidifier either.

If you have water accumulation, the source of the water must be addressed. If it is a plumbing issue, fix the leak. If the problem is caused by drainage, this must be fixed as well.

If the problem relates to moisture evaporating from the ground or outdoor air coming into your vents, this can be fixed with crawlspace encapsulation.

Mold-B-Gone Remediation, LLC specializes in drying out damp crawlspaces and turning them into dry, healthy foundations for your home.

Our dry-space crawlspace system includes the following:

  1. Thorough cleaning of the crawlspace, including mold removal and prevention.
  2. Installation of a wall-to-wall guide, durable, 14 mil vapor barrier.
  3. Attachment of the vapor barrier over ground and up sidewalls to 6 inches below floor joists.

The end result is an energy efficient, healthy home.

Got Crawlspace Mold Questions?

If you are concerned about humidity in your crawlspace, call 678-697-6267 or send us an e-mail. We look forward to serving you! 🙂

Atlanta Georgia Mold Removal Professionals

Atlanta Georgia Mold Removal Professionals

Atlanta, Georgia Mold Testing, Mold Removal and Mold Remediation Experts!

Atlanta, Georgia Mold Testing, Mold Removal and Mold Remediation Experts!

Atlanta, Georgia Mold Testing, Mold Removal and Mold Remediation Experts!

Mold comes from excessive moisture or water accumulation indoors.

While it is impossible to eliminate all molds and mold spores, controlling moisture can control indoor mold growth.

All molds share the characteristic of being able to grow without sunlight.

Mold only needs a viable seed (spore), a nutrient source, moisture, and the right temperature to proliferate.

This explains why mold infestation is often found in damp, dark, hidden spaces.

If left unchecked, molds gradually damage building materials and furnishings.

Eventually mold can cause structural damage to a wood framed building, weakening floors and walls as it feeds on moist wooden structural members.

The purpose of mold remediation is to correct the moisture problem and to remove moldy and contaminated materials to prevent human exposure that can impact health and further damage to building materials and furnishings.

Mold Testing

Mold Testing

Mold Testing

Reports on the area and the extent of contamination will be used to determine the scope of the mold remediation.

Testing before the beginning of a remediation process is a very important aid to understanding the mold types in the home and the remediation process.

Testing for mold after the remediation is completed is a vital step to ensure that your home or business has been thoroughly remediated and safe for you and your family.

Mold-B-Gone Remediation, LLC uses Third Party Indoor Environmental Professionals for all of our Post Testing on all homes and businesses to ensure the quality of work performed by Mold-B-Gone Remediation, LLC and the safety of the homeowner.

Mold Remediation Process

Mold Remediation Process

Mold Remediation Process

Our goal is to do the job right the first time, meaning we follow an eight step mold removal process:

  1. Assess The Cause of The Contamination.
  2. Identify the Species of the Mold.
  3. Scope of Work.
  4. Containment, Decontamination Chambers and Negative Air.
  5. Removal of the Mold.
  6. Odor Removal.
  7. Cleaning, HEPA Vacuuming and Air Scrubbing.
  8. Post Remediation Verification.

For a detailed explanation of our eight step process, please click here!

Helping Sensitized Individuals With Remediation

Helping Sensitized Individuals With Remediation

Helping Sensitized Individuals With Remediation

Guiding you every step of the way, Mold-B-Gone Remediation, LLC explains the process for inspecting your home, taking necessary procedures to eliminate any mold found within your household and returning your home back to a safe and comfortable environment.

Mold-B-Gone Remediation has removed mold from thousands of homes and business’s over the years and we have never failed a test on any home or commercial building that we have cleaned. We have a perfect 100% clean rate since we opened our doors. We are very proud of our record and encourage anyone to speak with the company that test behind us about our reputation.

Environmental Process

Environmental Process

Environmental Process

Water Mitigation

  1. Identification of the problem
  2. Repair of the problem

Containment Source Removal

  1. Isolation
  2. Negative Pressure
  3. Detailed Cleaning
  4. Post-Remediation Testing

Control of Transport Mechanisms

  1. Air Infiltration
  2. HVAC

Contents Decontamination

  1. Soft Goods
  2. Non Porous

Cleaning of Reservoirs

  1. Ceilings
  2. Walls
  3. Floors

Examples of Mold Removal

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Does Your Front Loading Washing Machine Have Mold?

Does Your Front Loading Washing Machine Have Mold?

Rebate Available For Front-Loading Washers With Mold Problem!

Rebate Available For Front-Loading Washers With Mold Problem!

Rebate Available For Front-Loading Washers With Mold Problem!

In 2014, Consumer Reports published an article about consumer problems with front-loading washing machines. The primary complaint many consumers had was mold issues in their washers.

It turns out that the manufacturers of these washing machines knew about this problem, but still continued to sell the washers to consumers. This resulted in a class action law suit. The lawsuits claimed that the washers fail to self-clean. As a result, they accumulate bacteria and mold, resulting in bad odors, ruined laundry, and for the mold-sensitive individual, health issues.

This article will explain why your front-loading washing machine has mold problems and what you can do to get compensated now that the suit has been settled.

Why Front-Loading Washing Machines Have Mold Problems!

The core problem is a design flaw that causes the machine to accumulate mold because mold grows in the gaskets of the high-efficiency machines.

For many people this is not an issue. However, for the mold sensitized, for infants and children, people with asthma and allergies to mold, and compromised immune systems, washing machine mold growth has been an issue.

If you have one of the flawed washing machines, here are some things you can do:

  1. Wipe the door gasket and glass dry once you’re done.
  2. Clean the detergent dispenser and any attachments once or twice a month.
  3. Run a dehumidifier if your laundry room is damp.
  4. Keep the washer door ajar between loads to allow air to circulate. If you have small children, keep the laundry-room door locked.
  5. If none of this works, call the manufacturer for service and save all mold-related paperwork, even after the warranty expires.

You also qualify for compensation if you have a washing machines that falls under the settlement. Details below.

Rebate Details On Front-Loading Washing Machine Mold Problems!

On September 23, 2016, Judge Christopher A. Boyko of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio granted final approval to the settlement of the Whirlpool front-load washer mold cases.

The claims period closes soon, providing class members who experienced mold or odor the choice of $50 cash, a 20% discount off purchase of a new washer (worth $148.50) or, if they paid out of pocket or to replace their washer due to mold /odor, dollar for dollar cash reimbursement up to $500.

Owners of the affected Whirlpool, Kenmore, and Maytag-brand front-loading washers can now submit claims as part of the settlement of several class action lawsuits brought on claims that the machines fail to adequately self-clean. The suits alleged that certain Whirlpool, Kenmore, and Maytag brand front-loading washing machines manufactured between 2001 and 2010 fail to adequately self-clean themselves of laundry residue, resulting in mold or mildew buildup that can cause bad odors and ruined laundry.

If you are included in the Settlement, you may qualify for one of a variety of benefits including:

  1. Cash payment.
  2. Rebate on the purchase of a new washing machine or dryer.
  3. Or reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses incurred due to past mold or odor problems in your washing machine.

Please read the FAQ notice on the settlement website carefully.

For a full list of washers covered by the class action lawsuit, click here.

To see details of the settlement or for more information, visit or call 844-824-5781.

Submit A Claim!

Submit A Claim!

Submit A Claim!

The only way to get a cash payment, a rebate for the purchase of a new washing machine or dryer, or reimbursement for the repair or replacement of a washing machine with mold or odor problems is to complete and submit a Claim Form, including all required documentation.

The deadline for submitting claims for Whirlpool, Kenmore and Maytag customers is October 11, 2016.

The deadline for submitting claims for LG customers is October 10, 2016.

Got Mold Questions?

If you have mold or IAQ questions, please give us a call, 678-697-6267 or send us an e-mail. We look forward to serving you! 🙂

Why Should I Have An Indoor Air Quality Test?

Why Should I Have An Indoor Air Quality Test?

What Is Indoor Air Quality Testing?

Why Should I Have An Indoor Air Quality Test?

Why Should I Have An Indoor Air Quality Test?

Most people are unaware that their indoor air could be polluted. Indeed, today, we spend 90% of our time indoors, relying on our HVAC systems to create a constant stream of healthy air. Our health is dependent on the the quality of the air we breathe. The problem with indoor air pollution is that is not visible to the naked eye, meaning the quality of your air could be making you sick without you even knowing it. Despite your efforts to maintain a clean and healthy household, you still may be getting sick because of indoor pollutants.

Symptoms of Poor Indoor Air Quality

Our bodies are designed to rid ourselves of toxins and pollutants, this is one of the reasons that we get sick and experience colds and flus. However, if you or other’s in your family seem to always be sick, the air you are breathing could be the cause.

Do you often experience the following health issues?

  • Headaches;
  • Respiratory issues such as asthma, sinusitis, and other respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • Excessive coughing and/or a breathless feeling;
  • Dizziness, confusion, malaise, trouble concentrating, and other cognitive disorders;
  • Skin irritation, itchiness, and rashes;
  • Ear and/or eye infections

If you consistently experience these symptoms, the air you are breathing could be the cause.

A simple test is to record how you feel when you are away from your home or business. If you feel sick when you are in your home or business, but feel much better when you are away, then this could be a clue that the air is making you sick.

What Causes Poor Indoor Air Quality?

What Causes Poor Indoor Air Quality?

What Causes Poor Indoor Air Quality?

Contaminated air can seep in from the outside or could be caused by indoor sources like construction materials, consumer products, mold, insects, and pets. The effect of pollutants is compounded by poor ventilation which allows pollutants to accumulate to unhealthy levels.

Poor indoor air quality in your home or business could also be caused by factors such as the building design, heating/cooling design, and/or previous water damage.

Other potential causes of poor indoor air quality include the following:

  • High humidity levels.
  • Airborne dust problems from poorly maintained ducts or other sources in the building.
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) which are chemicals released by building materials and furniture.
  • Inadequate ventilation caused by mechanical or building issues.
  • Combustion problems leading to high levels of Carbon Monoxide (CO) or Carbon Dioxide (CO2).
  • Sewer gas leakages, leading to odors.
  • Recurring water damage, causing growth of mold and other bacteria.
  • Radon, the second highest cause of lung cancer, most likely seeping through the foundation in your basement.
  • Radioactive marble or granite in the home.
  • Air borne asbestos, a cause of mesothelioma.

What Should I Do?

What Should I Do?

What Should I Do?

The easiest way to determine if the air you are breathing is making you sick is to call an indoor air quality specialist to test the air. Indoor air quality professionals have specialized equipment that can test the air for radon, mold spores, and other pollutants.

At Mold B Gone, our Indoor Air Quality testing uses OSHA, NIOSH, and EPA testing procedures to investigate indoor air quality complaints. We can test for 100s of compounds, including gases, chemicals, dust, and biological samples to give you a profile of your air.

One of the services we specialize in is mold testing, which is done by taking air samples from both inside and outside the building so the spore numbers can be compared with each other. If the testing shows high mold spore counts, then a mold inspection and mold removal plan will be provided to you.

In order to ensure the most accurate and reliable results, Mold B Gone utilizes specialized calibration instruments and sample handling procedures. In addition, controlled samples are compared with yours to ensure the most accurate results possible. We use Third Party Labs to analyze the results of all of the samples we take to provide you with a detailed air quality report and recommendations.

Fall Mold Inspection Promotion!

Fall Mold Inspection Promotion!

Fall Mold Inspection Promotion!

Contact Mold B Gone for a free mold inspection, a value of $250, PLUS if you need any testing, you get that for 50% off!

Got Indoor Air Quality Questions?

If you are concerned that you may have indoor air quality issues and have questions, call 678-697-6267 or send us an e-mail.