Why Are Clothes Dryers A Fire Hazard?

Why Are Clothes Dryers A Fire Hazard?

The Number One Reason To Clean Your Dryer Ducts Is To Prevent Fire!

The Number One Reason To Clean Your Dryer Ducts Is To Prevent Fire!

The Number One Reason To Clean Your Dryer Ducts Is To Prevent Fire!

One of the services that Mold B Gone provides is duct cleaning. In our previous post we listed the top 15 reasons to have your ducts cleaned.

A lesser known fact is that one of the core causes of house fires is the dryer.

In fact, according to the United States Fire Administration and the National Fire Protection Association:

  1. Clothes dryer fires account for over $236 million in losses every year.
  2. Approximately 15,500 fires are started by clothes dryers each year.
  3. An estimated 16,800 reported U.S. non-confined or confined home structure fires involving clothes dryers or washing machines resulted in 51 deaths and 380 injuries.
  4. In addition to the fire hazard, improper dryer vent setups can cause carbon monoxide poisoning.
  5. The leading cause of home clothes dryer and washer fires was failure to clean (32%), followed by unclassified mechanical failure or malfunction (22%). Eight percent were caused by some type of electrical failure or malfunction.

The primary reason clothes dryer fires start is because they are not clean.

The purpose of this article is to explain why cleaning your dryer ducts is so important in fire prevention.

Lint Build Up And Vent Blockage Causes Dryer Fires!

Clothes dryers force hot air through a turning drum. Wet clothes placed in the drum dry because of the moving hot air.

As the clothes tumble and dry, lint is created. Most of the lint is trapped by the dryer’s lint trap. However, some of the lint can also be carried through the vent system with the moist, hot air that is vented out of the home.

Since lint is highly combustible material, as it builds up in the dryer and dryer vent, it will eventually reduce the dryer’s airflow, making it the perfect kindling to start a fire.

In addition to lint build up, dryer exhaust vent blockage can also result from birds’ nests, other animals, or from a damaged vent itself.

The end result from the blockage is your dryer overheats, which in turn can lead to a dryer fire.

Top 10 Clues Your Dryer Vents Need To Be Cleaned!

Dryer vent fires are preventable because the leading cause is a build up of lint or blockage in the vents.

According to Angie’s list signs that your vents need to be cleaned include the following:

  1. Large amounts of lint accumulate in the lint trap for the dryer during operation.
  2. A musty odor is noticed in the clothing following the drying cycle.
  3. Clothing seems unusually hot to the touch after a complete drying cycle.
  4. The dryer vent hood flap does not properly open as it is designed to do during the operation of the dryer.
  5. Excessive odor is noticed from dryer sheets that are used during the drying cycle.
  6. Clothing does not dry completely after a normal drying cycle.
  7. Debris is noticed within the outside dryer vent opening.
  8. Excessive heat is noticed within the room in which the dryer is being operated.
  9. A visible sign of lint and debris is noticed around the lint filter for the dryer.
  10. Drying time for clothing takes longer than 35 to 40 minutes in duration.

Even though there are do-it-yourself vent cleaning kits consumers can buy, Angie’s lists recommends that you contact a professional once a year to inspect that your vents are installed correctly, working properly, and also thoroughly clean your vents using their training and specialized tools.

Top 9 Tips To Prevent Clothes Dryer Fires!

Top 9 Tips To Prevent Clothes Dryer Fires!

Top 9 Tips To Prevent Clothes Dryer Fires!

  1. Inspect your outdoor vent. Check to make sure that your outdoor vent flap is not covered by snow or debris.
  2. Do not dry items that have been stained with volatile chemicals. Wash clothing stained with flammable chemicals more than once and do not use the dryer to dry these items, opting for a clothes line dryer.
  3. Don’t leave your dryer unattended. If you need to leave your home, turn off the dryer during the laundry cycle.
  4. Install with care. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing the vent pipe. Use a short, straight pipe that is an adequate distance from the wall. Reducing the bends in the dryer vent pipe creates fewer opportunities for lint to gather. Invest in a dryer vent fan if you have to vent your dryer over a long distance. Dryer vent fans increase the airflow through the duct every time you turn on your dryer forcing debris out.
  5. Remove combustibles. Cleaning supplies and other flammable liquids should not be kept near the dryer. In addition, sweep out dust in the areas around and underneath your dryer regularly.
  6. Use a metal dryer duct. Metal ducts are better than foil or plastic ducts for two key reasons. First, unlike foil or plastic ducts, metal ducts do not sag. This is important because sagging ducts contributes to lint build up at low points. Second, metal ducts are more likely to contain any fires that would start.
  7. Read clothing tags and labels. Always use caution when you are drying bath mats, padded bras, and bibs because they may contain rubber that should not be exposed to hot temperatures. Also, if the label instructs you to tumble dry an item, follow the advice and do not dry at hotter temperatures.
  8. After each dryer use, check your clothes. If your clothes do not feel dry or are extra hot after a normal drying cycle, then this may indicate that something is wrong. Before using the dryer again, check for a plugged vent and clean out any lint.
  9. Clean out the lint. Clean out the lint trap after each use and once a year hire a professional to clean out the vent pipes.

Got Dryer Vent Questions?

Mold B Gone is here to help. If you have questions about your vents, ducts, indoor air quality or mold, give us a call, 678-697-6267, or send us an e-mail. We look forward to serving you! 🙂

Fire Prevention Tip Summary!

Fire Prevention Tip Summary!

Fire Prevention Tip Summary!

Top 15 Reasons To Clean Your Ducts!

Why Should I Clean My Ducts?

Why Should I Clean My Ducts?

Why Should I Clean My Ducts?

Americans spend 90 percent of their time indoors breathing air that is confined within a heating and air conditioning system.

At most workplaces and homes, the windows are rarely opened so air quality can sometimes be worse indoors than out.

One of the most important actions homeowners can take is to change their furnace filters regularly and keep their HVAC system properly maintained.

Air duct cleaning is also important because it removes all air-borne dust and debris from the air duct system components of the HVAC, forced air systems, gravity heaters and other related systems.

One of the core services Mold B Gone provides is air duct cleaning.

The purpose of this article is to explain why your ducts get dirty and the top 15 reasons why you should have your ducts cleaned.

Why Do Ducts Get Dirty?

Your heating and cooling system are the lungs of your home because the system takes in air and breathes it out.

One of the primary reasons you should be concerned about keeping your ducts clean is that it can affect the indoor air quality in your home.

In a typical six-room home, up to 40 pounds of dust is created annually through everyday living.

In addition to dust, through normal occupation in a home, we generate a great deal of contaminants and air pollutants, such as dander, dust, and chemicals.

These contaminants are pulled into the HVAC system and re-circulated 5 to 7 times per day, on average. Over time, this re-circulation causes a build-up of contaminants in the duct work which in turn can affect the indoor air quality of your home negatively.

The video below explains why your ducts get dirty.

The remainder of this article will list 15 common reasons you should get your ducts cleaned.

#1 Increase Energy Efficiency

When your ducts become contaminated, your heating and cooling system works harder, which cuts down its life span. Clean air ducts increase the efficiency of your heating and cooling systems which should lower utility bills and increase money saved.

#2 Your Ducts Have Never Cleaned Before

A lot of homeowners have never even considered cleaning their ducts leading to years of build-up. If you have lived in the home for more than five years and never had the ducts cleaned, now is the time to get it done.

#3 Mildew and Mold

You may have a wet, soggy or flooded crawlspace or basement that may have allowed growth of mildew and mold, which may have further penetrated in your HVAC duct system. The last thing you want are those spores circulating around your home.

If you suspect that you have mold in your home, you may also want to consider a mold inspection and indoor air quality test as well.

#4 Allergy Relief

The duct system is an ideal breeding environment for bacteria, mold, fungi, and other allergens.

These allergens cause respiratory discomfort and allergies and can impact the children and elderly more because their immune systems may not be as strong.

Pollutants are brought indoors because of their microscopic air borne properties and then introduced into your HVAC system via the “cold air returns” contaminating the air.

Duct systems also provide the perfect environment for dust mites, fungi, bacteria, molds and other allergens to breed. For instance, dust mites like to breed in temperatures that fall between 72 and 86 degrees.

Cleaning your ducts will reduce allergy symptoms and improve the indoor air quality of the home.

#5 Reduce Dust

Up to 40 pounds of dust can accumulate in a six room house annually. Air duct cleaning will remove the dust that has accumulated over the years so that it does not keep circulating back into your home.

#6 New Furnace

You have installed a new furnace. The installation procedure is often quite messy that allows accumulation of dust and pollutants, which enter the living space once you start the system.

#7 You Have Pets

You have pets in your home. Pet fur has the tendency to get caught in the air vents, which provide fungus, germs, molds and allergens the right place to live on.

#8 Improper Cleaning

You had your Furnace and Air Duct System cleaned by a cleaner who simply “Blow’s and Goes” doing an unsatisfactory job.

Some cleaners utilize portable cleaning equipment they pack inside your home and assemble, potentially cross-contaminating your household from a previous job.

Hire an air duct cleaning company with a truck mounted system to prevent cross contamination.

#9 Water or Fire Restoration

Your property recently suffered damage from a water or fire loss, such as a burst pipe, ground water, sewage back up, slow leak, or high humidity levels.

Abnormal moisture levels, no matter how big or small they seem, can potentially cause significant air pollution because of mold spores or other contaminants caused by water damage.

#10 Purchased A New Home

If you recently purchased a home, it is a good idea to have the ducts cleaned particularly if the previous owners had pets. The other reason, the home may have never had the ducts cleaned. We recommend that you get the ducts cleaned before moving in.

#11 Home Renovation

Home remodeling and renovations can stir up dust and also release drywall dust into the air. Dust and debris from construction takes refuge inside the HVAC systems and begins recirculating. To avoid this, get your ducts cleaned immediately after the renovation is complete.

#12 You Smoke In Your Home

The ducts in your home are the respiratory system of your home. When you smoke, the ducts of your home will get clogged and dirty, reducing their efficiency. If you must smoke, we recommend that you do it outside to avoid the negative impact on your ducts.

#13 You Have Young Children or A Baby

If you have young kids or are welcoming a new baby to the home, provide the freshest air possible to them by making sure your HVAC system and ducts are serviced and cleaned regularly.

#14 Insects

If you notice that your home has more spiders, insects, and other creepy crawlies, they could be living in the ducts of your HVAC system. In fact, spring duct cleaning is recommended because insects love to hide in the duct work to avoid the cold. Cleaning the ducts will remove the dead insects and also prevent further infestation by stopping the life cycle.

#15 Vermin and Rodents

If you notice an odor coming from your ducts or have allergic reactions, this could be an indication that there are dead mice, rats, or other animals in your duct work.

Dead insects and animals can have a negative impact on your indoor air quality.

A thorough duct cleaning and disinfection of your ducts by a professional will address this problem.

Got Questions About Duct Cleaning?

Duct cleaning is typically not a priority maintenance item for many home owners.

As this article shows, however, there are many valuable benefits to having routine air duct maintenance and cleaning services performed in your home.

If you’re not sure whether the air ducts in your home need to be cleaned, have ever been cleaned, or the best time to clean your air ducts, give us a call, 678-697-6267.

We are here to help with all of your indoor air quality needs.

To book a mold inspection and/or duct cleaning, call us or send us an e-mail. We look forward to serving you! 🙂

What Is In Your Air Duct System Summary

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